Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Where O Where Have I Been?

I know you are all wondering where are the current deals and where have I been. Well yours truly turned 45 yesterday - and I took a few days away from the computer and coupons.

Let me share a couple of tips to save your sanity (it helps mine LOL)

You are never going to get every single deal - so don't try. Pick out the deals for items that you or your family can use and go after those deals. If you try to get every single deal that you find either on my blog or on the Internet you will get coupon burn out very fast. You have heard the old saying "the slow and the steady win the race", and in this case it is true. You will save more money and enjoy couponing more by focusing on the deals you can really use.

Tip #2: Seasoned couponers will tell you that every now and then they take a break from couponing. Take a week or two off from running around getting the deals. You will be surprised that you feel ready to tackle couponing again.

Remember these are things I do occasionally. I find it keeps me going and after all I needed a break to deal with getting older. LOL

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