Thursday, June 25, 2009

Donating To Charity

Because of some things that happened in my past, I will be forever be grateful to certain non-profit groups in Baton Rouge. I am also a huge advocate of animal rescue groups. I belong to Old English Sheepdog Rescue Network and am a foster mom for this breed of dogs.

The Baton Rouge Food Bank
The Battered Women's Shelter
St Vincent DePaul's Homeless Shelter
St Vincent DePaul's Free Pharmacy
Any non-profit animal rescue group

As hurricane season is here and Christmas is only 6 months away - I will be stockpiling items to donate to these groups.

You too can help. If you are like me and have no need for feminine products, right now you can use your $1/1 any one Kotex pads to purchase the $1 Kotex products at Walmart. Pick up a few and set them aside for donation. If you don't have a dog but you have the Mighty Dog Free coupons - pick those up as well and set them aside for your animal rescue groups or shelter. If everyone picks up just a few items together we can make a large difference in the world. As my pastor reminded me:

For there will never cease to be poor in the land.
Therefore I command you,
‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother,
‘to the needy and to the poor, in your land.’
Deuteronomy 15:11

1 comment:

Lisa S. said...

Wynette, if any of the sites you listed have Web sites, it might be helpful to people if you linked them. Or maybe just linking to their page on so people have an address and/or phone number if they'd like to make contact and donate.